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Sunday, 16 June 2013

How to Treat Traction Alopecia Naturally

Traction alopecia is not caused by changes in the body's hormones as other forms of hair loss are. Traction alopecia, on the other hand, is mechanically induced and is a form of hair loss that can not only be successfully treated if it is caught soon enough, but it can also be prevented. This form of hair loss occurs often around the crown of the head and the hair line. These are both areas that tend to suffer much pressure from tight hairstyles. It's worth mentioning that traction alopecia can also lead to hair thinning in other areas, especially those areas where hair extensions have been used constantly through the years.
There is no surprise consumers become upset when their hair does not begin to grow back because there are many hair products on the market whose labels claim that the product boosts hair growth. When hair is lost to traction alopecia, make sure you maintain dedication and patience as re-growing your hair will be tedious but does not require a lot of hair products that won't work anyway.
Hair can be compared to a plant that grows in soil, which in hair's case is actually the scalp. For the plant to grow healthy and strong it requires soil that supplies it with essential nutrients. In this case, you must first care for your scalp when trying to re-grow hair that was lost to traction alopecia. If your scalp is unhealthy, it will have very little to no change at all of producing new hair, much less healthy hair. If you repeatedly pull on your hair and place stress on your hair follicles, it will eventually result in traction alopecia as damage will be caused to the follicles. For this reason, before you begin any treatment plan, make sure you stop the pulling. In other words, you will need to alter the way you style your hair so you do not apply any pressure to the hair follicles.
Once the pulling has been stopped, you must care for the scalp so it will become healthy. If you use chemical colorants or relaxers on a regular basis, you will only further aggravate your traction alopecia. These harsh chemicals will not only irritate your already delicate scalp, but it will also often end in inflammation as the scalp attempts to protect itself from other abuse.
Infection is indicated by scalp conditions such as dandruff. Dandruff is easily treated but mainly caused by bacteria. There are many natural products you can use to treat dandruff including tea tree oil, rosemary, and neem leaves. You can find neem oil from trustworthy herbalists and they can be massaged right into the scalp. On the other hand, tea tree oil and rosemary must be mixed into carrier oils before going on the scalp. One highly recommended type of carrier oil is coconut oil because it is easily absorbed in the skin as it does not sit atop the scalp and block the follicles. You will find it is best to massage these oils into the scalp the night before you shampoo your hair in order to let the treatment work.
Washing your scalp and hair regularly is very important to remove bacteria, dirt, and grease. Make sure you wash your hair at least twice per week. If your hair is dry you should shampoo only once per week with a shampoo that is sulfate free, followed by a conditioner that is an eco wash. Fish oil supplements or consuming nuts such as almonds or macadamia will also help rid you of a dry scalp or skin conditions.
Have you ever heard the phrase 'beauty is from within'? Well, nutrition is a key player in hair growth. For your scalp to produce healthy hairs, the scalp needs to receive the proper amounts of nutrition in the form of minerals and vitamins. The body does not view supplying the scalp nutrients as a priority like it would use them for primary functions; this is why you need to consume enough to have leftovers for other use. Keep in mind foods that are processed do not offer an adequate amount of nutrients. Therefore, it is important to increase your consumption of vegetables and fruits to achieve the required amounts. You should not stick to only one type of vegetable or fruit; instead you should eat a variety regularly. Make sure you include foods such as papaya, spinach, apples, broccoli, carrots, parsley, kale, peas, prunes, green beans, sweet peppers, kidney beans, and cabbage in your diet to make sure you are getting plenty of vitamins and minerals.
Since your hair is made up of so much protein, it is important to eat lean protein to assist the scalp in producing healthy hair. Lean sources of protein include seafood, chicken, fish, and turkey. Other sources of protein that have high amount of bio availability are eggs, cottage cheese, and other dairy products. If you are a vegetarian, forms of protein for you are found in seeds, soy, nuts, and beans.
Once you have your body receiving the proper amounts of nutrition, make sure it reaches the scalp. This will be achieved by doing neck exercises to boost circulation and massaging the scalp.
This is an article by Danielle McLoughlin, who writes more about Traction Alopecia and thinning hair treatments at her website - You can download her free ebook to learn how to boost scalp circulation, treat traction alopecia, and stimulate the growth of healthy hair.

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